About Me

I Am…

  • An Engineer

  • A Wife

  • A Mom

  • A Friend

  • A Music Lover

  • A Zumba Instructor

  • A Tea Enthusiast

  • An Introvert

  • A Hockey Fan

  • A Home Cook & Baker

Hi. My name is Lori Ann (she/her). Most people call me Lori. I was born in New Mexico and have lived in New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, Montana, California, Arizona, and Nebraska. I consider Nevada home as I spent most of my childhood there. I now live in Nebraska and it’s growing on me.
All through high school and my early twenties, I was an avid writer. As I became an adult with real responsibilities, that fell by the wayside. But I still have so much to say. I’m not much for fiction writing, but I’ve learned to never say never.
My day job is as an engineer. But I also teach Zumba classes on occasion. And that’s how I learned never to say never. How does an extremely introverted, bookish type with no dance or fitness experience end up being the instructor? I also love to push myself to do new and unexpected things. And it’s amazing what having the right people in your corner can do for you.
I am a wife and mom to a teenage daughter. I think our little family is pretty awesome.
I also am active with my state and national professional organization, and my church, Hope Presbyterian. If you ever want to check them out, let me know.